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Tag «hydrate»

Hydrate inhibitor injection system

hydrate inhibition injection

Hydrate Inhibitors The use of inhibitors is a common practice adopted in gas fields. The reasons are that the well fluids are almost always water saturated and at a rather high pressure. Therefore the cooling due to the fluid throttling at the wellhead choke valves and along the pipeline up to the oil or gas center make …

Natural Gas Processing

natural gas storage

    Necessary Conditions and Goals of Processing : The types of treatments carried out on gas streams usually are: separation; – heating; – inhibition. – dehydration; – liquid hydrocarbon recovery; – sweetening. Treatment needs and objectives: The first gas treatments are temporary. Their aim is to prevent the hydrates formation and they’re classified as follows: …

Gas Dehydration Books


in this section you will find a collection of books about: – natural gas dehydration. – Tri Ethylene Glycol. – Hydrate and Hydrate Inhibition. – Acid Gas Treatment. Hydrate & Dehydration Download Link 1       Download Link 2 Process Gas Dehydration  from Total download Natural Gas Dehydration with TEG download Glycol Dehydration Units Download …

Natural Gas Industry

natural gas

Natural Gas Terminology: Reservoir: Porous & permeable underground formation containing an individual bank of H.C.s confined by impermeable rock or water barriers characterized by a single natural pressure system. read also What is Natural Gas Field: Area of one or more reservoirs related to same structural feature. Pool: Contains one or more reservoirs in isolated structures. …