2022 Gifts from AONG website
5 Books collections from AONG
as usual, we at AONG website are preparing FREE gifts for our followers in every occasion, and here is a NEW one, 5 books collections, more than 180 MB of books, 50 FREE books, direct links, FREE DOWNLOAD.
all you have to do is to press on “Download Link” under each collection’s name.
this collections consists of the following:
1. Arabic Books Collection مجموعة الكتب العربية
وتتكون من الكتب التالية:
1. حرائق الخزانات النفطية وطرق إطفاءها.
2. اجهزة ومعدات الحفر الموجه.
3. كتاب عربي عن التوربينات الغازية.
4. الحماية الكاثودية.
5. العدادات وطرق معايرتها.
6. المراجل البخارية Boilers.
7. تكرير البترول.
8. دليل المبتدئين في إنتاج النفط – عقيل الشويلي.
9. سوائل الحفر – عباس راضي.
10. صيانة وإصلاح الآبار – عباس راضي.
11. مضخات الطرد المركزي.

رابط التحميل
كما يمكنكم زيارة قسم كتب البترول العربية في موقعنا هو أكبر تجميعة كتب بترولية عربية على الأنترنت.
أو قسم كتب حفر الآبار باللغة العربية
2. Drilling Books:
consists of the following books:
1. Acidizing.
2. Blow Out Preventers BOPs – Description and Selection.
3. Casing, Dimensions, Materials and Strengths.
4. Casing Heads – Basis of Casing Design.
5. Casing Tables.
6. Cement and Cementing.
7. Drill Bit Hydraulics Calculations.
8. Drill Bit Technology.
9. Drilling Fluids.
10. Introduction to Directional Drilling.
11. Well Head Components.

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for more books, visit our Drilling Books section
or visit our Drilling Video Course
3. Surface Facilities Books:
1. Air Compressor.
2. Boilers.
3. Centrifugal Pump User’s Guidebook- Problems and Solutions.
4. Control Valve Handbook.
5. Heat Exchanger Design “Power Point”
6. Heat Exchangers , Fired Heaters, Furnace and Boilers.
7. Pipeline Engineering.
8. Positive Displacement Pumps- A Guide to Performance Evaluation.
9. Pump Selection.
10. Valves Fundamentals.

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for more books about Surface Facilities ,
visit our Petroleum Treatment Equipment Books section.
4. Pumps Books:
consists of the following books:
1. Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps.
2. Fundamentals of Centrifugal Pumps.
3. Guidelines for Piping Arrangements for Centrifugal Pumps.
4. Handbook of Pumps & Pumping.
5. Hydrodynamics of Pumps.
6. NPSHA for those who hate that stuffy word.
7. Pump Training Course Part.1.
8. Pump Training Course Part.2.
9. Pump Types.
10. Pump Performance.

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for more information about Pumps, visit:
1. Our Pump Books section, click here.
2. Our Pump Video Course, click here.
3.or get our Pump Course CD, click here.
5. OSHA, HSE and HAZOP Books:
this collection consists of the following Books:
1. Center for Chemical Process Safety.
2. Fire Water Pump.
3. HAZOP Training Guide.
4. HSE Onshore Oil and Gas Development Arabic.
5. OSHA Course.
6. OSHA Instruction in Refineries.
7. Safety in the Oilfield.

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for more books about Safety, HSE and OSHA, click here
hope you enjoyed these gifts, with our best wishes to you for the NEW YEAR.